Thursday, November 1, 2007

The right word

Today, I was faced with a question in my Spanish media writing class: How do you say African American in Spanish? A lady to my right said it was "Afroamericana" but the girl who posed the question begged to differ. She said that "African Americans" don't like that term because it refers to their hair and she said it is offensive. Although she argued that it was insulting and they don't like it in English, the lady defended her side and said that she knew that in Spanish, it was "Afroamericana."
Why is it so dramatic that people use the "afro" word? I don't see why it is offensive to say Afro American. I am sure that if I was in her place, I would understand, but at my place I don't. Like James Brown said, "Be Black and be proud!" I am brown and I am proud. I embrace my Mexican-ness. People sometimes assume that I don't know English, but I don't get mad. I am proud to be bilingual and therefore speak to them in whichever language they choose to initiate.

As for the right word for African American in Spanish, I am still unsure.

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