Saturday, September 15, 2007

My 2nd blog

Well, I am still not sure what I am supposed to be writing on these things but here it goes. Last class period, we talked about how magazines and other popular media use sex to sell their product. We also talked about how they use women in provocative poses on their covers to appeal to both male and female buyers.

Although I don't like when they do that, I do think that it is helpful to get people to buy their product. Like Professor Lambiase mentioned, guys see a beautiful girl while women see themselves. I think that we have been brain washed into thinking that the people that we see on the covers are what we should aspire to be but in reality, they don't even look that way because the final product is airbrushed and enhanced.
For example, in a movie about King Arthur, Keira Knightley is on the movie poster and in the United States, her breast were made to look bigger than they are. In a way, people are conditioned to not like someone becuase their breasts aren't big enough, someone's not skinny enough, or pretty enough. It is sick to actually notice things like that but subconciously we all like or dislike certain things.
I am sure we will go deeper into these kinds of things in our class and I look forward to doing so.

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