Friday, October 12, 2007


Although we hate to admit it, sex sells. Women are always portrayed in a sexual manner. They are almost always half naked and look provocative. I don't really understand why they have to use that type of advertising. It seems like we are all conditioned to think that if there isn't some kind of nudity or sexually explicit detail that it isn't worth us looking at. I think that if advertisers start taking it down a notch, little by little, that it will make the ad industry better.

I watched the ad for Dove about the little red-headed girl and it is amazing what message they got through to people in such a small amount of time. I want to work for a magazine, eventually, but I don't agree with all the images they have in their issues. They have so many images of nothing but skinny women and it does not represent the real world at all. Most of these women are Anglo whites and again, it doesn't look like the real world. I think they should include more real women and mix up the races so that they magazines could be more diverse and REAL!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Not sure. . .

I am not too sure what we are supposed to be blogging about this time, so this is just a 'til then statement. I will write more tomorrow when I know more of what is going on because I think I visited the wrong blog ( I got my information mixed up. I think this blog may be for a different class, one that meets on Mondays. Anyways, later!